Thank you for enrolling your child in our program! Our classes encourage development and strengthening of muscles, improved coordination and body awareness, and increased self-confidence. Our instructors are energetic, positive and fun. WEBBY Dance Company’s staff has extensive dance training and experience working with children.
•ATTIRE: Dancers are encouraged to wear a WEBBY t-shirt and non-restrictive shorts/pants/leggings. Tap, Ballet or Jazz shoes (if required – please read your enrollment form or call) can be purchased at a local dance shop, online visit the "Buy Shoes" page on our website or email us as we have many shoes/sizes in stock and we will deliver to your child's class.
Monthly tuition is automatically processed on the first of each month.
If account is not current and paid on or by the tenth of the month, there will be a $5.00 late fee applied to the account balance.
There will be no credit or adjustments for absences.
If payment is not received by the tenth of the month, dancers will not be taken to class until account is current.
If WEBBY is unable to hold a scheduled class, we will schedule a makeup class.
If WEBBY is canceled due to a school or daycare's schedule and they require us to cancel, we will not schedule a makeup class.
If class is canceled due to unforeseen circumstances such as a school/center closure, inclement weather, pandemic etc. tuition that is collected within that month cannot be refunded. Prerecorded classes will be made available in place of our scheduled classes until we return or for the duration of that month.
If you wish to discontinue your child’s enrollment in WEBBY Dance Company® classes, please notify our office by email sanantonio@webbydancecompany.com.
If you have any questions regarding your account, your child's attendance, participation or progress, please call our office at (210) 816-1857.
Calendar of Holiday Closings:
Halloween - October 31
Thanksgiving Break – November 25th - November 29th (utilize break for any makeups)
Winter Break – December 23rd - January 3rd or depending on location
Spring Break - March 10th - 14th
Good Friday
Battle of Flowers
Memorial Day
Summer Break - week of July 4th
Labor Day
We look forward to an exciting year of fun and learning!